About Articles The below articles are published by the Family Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association. Members are encouraged to submit articles. About Articles

Editor: Katherine Batycky

A Guide to the New PBA Pension Clauses in DIVORCEmate’s Precedents Software

A Guide to the New PBA Pension Clauses in DIVORCEmate’s Precedents Software

  • May 12, 2014
  • S. Christine Montgomery

The purpose of this article is to assist the Family Law Bar in drafting agreements which respond to changes in the law of pension division on marriage breakdown - it will give the user an overview of how and when to use newly drafted PBA pension clauses in DIVORCEmate’s Standard Form Separation Agreement (“SFSA”) and related Collaborative SFSA

Family Law

A Major Concern with the Shared Custody Formula

  • May 12, 2014
  • Gordon Grant

I am convinced there is a problem inherent in the way that the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines calculate spousal support for shared custody. This problem results in overpayment of spousal support by the payor.

Family Law
The Diner Brief

The Diner Brief

  • April 10, 2014
  • Ian Vallance

Eating Out in Ottawa with Ian Vallance.

Family Law

What Is The Definition Of Property In Ontario, And Can Ontario Courts Make Orders With Regards To Property Of Married Spouses Located Outside Of Ontario?

  • April 10, 2014
  • Glen Schwartz

Even though courts in Ontario do not physically divide property between the parties in the context of family law disputes, they are often asked to determine ownership interests in property, order the sale of property, and determine whether a ‘constructive trust’ claim exists. As a result of such questions being asked, they are required to make orders with regards to property.

Family Law

The Value of Family Law in the Life of a New Lawyer

  • April 10, 2014
  • Lucy McSweeney

So why is family law so important? And just as importantly, why should new lawyers consider building a practice that includes family and children’s law? I offer five reasons for your consideration.

Family Law
Special Parties and the Appointment of the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee

Special Parties and the Appointment of the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee

  • April 10, 2014
  • Robert Shawyer

If you suspect that either your client or the opposing party is suffering from a mental condition that renders them incapable of properly instructing counsel, entering into a binding legal agreement or representing themselves before a court of competent jurisdiction the 1st question you should ask is “How do I determine whether the person in question is incapable and therefore likely to be found a special party pursuant to Rule 2?”

Family Law
Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair

  • April 10, 2014
  • Steven Benmor

Despite this brutal winter, here at the OBA we were not hibernating. We were busy planning, organizing and deploying many new initiatives and programs.

Family Law
Finding the Energy to Keep Going: Don’t Just Make Money – Make a Difference

Finding the Energy to Keep Going: Don’t Just Make Money – Make a Difference

  • April 10, 2014
  • Judith L. Huddart

As a volunteer, you have the opportunity to learn and demonstrate leadership potential, to make connections with members of the public and colleagues in different areas of practice who can provide referrals, and you have the opportunity to distinguish yourself from others in your area of practice.

Family Law
Did You Know?

Did You Know?

  • April 10, 2014
  • Victoria Starr

Here is some of what’s going on in or related to family law.

Family Law