Follow the Money 05 décembre 2013 Jeffrey Wilson The family law bench and bar and unequal access to justice in Ontario.
Choice of School: An Education 02 décembre 2013 Shmuel Stern Every so often, the choice of a child's school becomes a point of conflict between separated parents. The purpose of this paper is to briefly survey recent case law to provide guidance and assistance in framing future disputes.
Did You Know? 02 décembre 2013 Victoria Starr Everything to know about what is happening in the family law community: Events, programs, public advocacy, judicial schedules and more
Stepping Up To The Plate: Adding Grandparents As Parties in Child Protection Cases 24 octobre 2013 Andrew Sudano When advising whether a grandparent should bring a motion to be added as a party, here are some key factors counsel should consider in this increasingly important area of child protection law.
Message from the Chair 16 octobre 2013 Steve Benmor Well, here at the OBA's Family Law Section, our Executive Committee has been hard at work setting the agenda for this year.
Your First Defense in Dealing with Difficult Clients- the Ethical Rules and a Detailed Engagement Letter 16 octobre 2013 Marcia L. Proctor The last in a series of articles on ethical issues reprinted with permission of the American Bar Association, see practice management tips on dealing with many of the difficult clients you will recognize.
Toronto SCJ Pro Bono Family ILA Project 16 octobre 2013 Lorna Yates Information about a new project at the Toronto Superior Court(Family) to provide pro bono advice counsel to self-represented parties where negotiated settlement has been achieved.
Review Orders: Temporary or Final. That is the Question 04 octobre 2013 Robert Shawyer What are the implications of a review order?
Toronto Family Bench and Bar Update for September, 2013 03 octobre 2013 Lorna Yates Useful information about court procedures and other matters.
Did You Know? September 2013 30 septembre 2013 Victoria Starr Everything to know about what is happening in the family law community: Events, programs, public advocacy, judicial schedules and more.