Are Courts Unknowingly Handing Out Inequitable Judgments in the Pursuit of the Equitable Division of Family Property? February 13, 2018 Lawrence Shael Gold Lawrence Gold presents a detailed analysis of notional disposition costs through the lens of a personal property appraiser.
Case Comment – N.P.T.S. and CCAS Toronto, et al, 2016 ONCJ 242, 2016 CarswellOnt 6752 December 05, 2017 Robert Shawyer The author discusses the case of N.P.T.S and CCAS Toronto.
Structuring a Support Claim on Behalf of a Child December 05, 2017 Robert Shawyer In this article the author discusses what happens when a parent fails in their obligation to support a child.
Motivational Interviewing for Family Lawyers December 05, 2017 Sarvenaz Kermanshahi In this article the author discusses the usage of motivational interviewing in the family law context.
The Intersectional Oppressions of South Asian Immigrant Women and Vulnerability in Relation to Domestic Violence: A Case Study March 20, 2017 Dr. Ferzana Chaze and Archana Medhekar, The authors of this paper bring together their unique disciplinary lenses- social work and law - to discuss various factors that contribute to the multiple oppressions experienced by South Asian immigrant women in Canada.
Summary Judgment in Family Law March 20, 2017 Adam Black It is hoped that expanded summary judgment rules, the family law litigant will be equipped with a tool that will significantly limit unmeritorious claims.
Limitation Periods And Other Substantive Time Limits In Family Law Cases March 20, 2017 Michael Zalev There are a number of situations that can arise in family law cases where delay will result in the complete loss of a person's ability to seek substantive relief that he or she would have otherwise been entitled to pursue.
Mental Incapacity and Family Law Proceedings – A recent case that informs February 23, 2017 Katherine N. Batycky These issues were the focus in the recent decision of Mr. Justice Price in the case of Costantino v. Costantino (2016) ONSC 7279
When it Comes to Child Support, What is the Difference Between Income and Means ? January 23, 2017 Steven Benmor Table child support is based on “income” but section 7 expenses is based on “means” and, in this case, those means included the income of the father’s new partner.
The Use of Lists in Family Law January 23, 2017 Sina Hariri Lists are useful and helpful in everyday life, but here are some tips how you can make lists work in your practice.