Want to Move with Your Children? Relocation laws are changing in Canada

February 24, 2021 | Kelly Watson, associate lawyer, Nathens, Siegel LLP

This article was orginally published on the Nathens, Siegel  LLP site on February 16, 2021.

Are you separated and hoping to move to another city/province/country with your children?

Relocation is one of the most frequently litigated family law issues.[1] The law in Canada regarding a parent’s ability to move with children (also called relocation or mobility) is changing. Effective March 1, 2021, these new changes will be governed by section 16.9 of the Divorce Act (Bill C-78) and incorporated into sections 39.1 to 39.4 of the Children’s Law Reform Act.

Here is a summary of what parents need to know if you want to move with your child(ren):

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