Complimentary Archived Video Understanding the Fundamental Freedom of Peaceful Assembly: Current Challenges & Future Issues 24 juin 2021 Section 2(c) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees freedom of peaceful assembly.
Complimentary Archived Video The Impact of the SCC’s Decision in Fraser on Pensions Law and Beyond 26 janvier 2021 In mid-October, the Supreme Court of Canada released its decision in Fraser v. Canada (Attorney General) holding that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s (RCMP) pension plan discriminates against women, revisiting the test and evidentiary burden in adverse effects discrimination cases under the Charter.
Nouveaux développements Financial Planning Tips for Lawyers 31 août 2020 In a year that will go down as one of the most unpredictable years many of us have experienced, Financial Planning Month – October – is a good time to review your plan and take some practical steps to ensure you are well prepared for 2021.
Complimentary Archived Video Exploring a Lawyer’s Obligation to Accommodate Clients 19 août 2020 As service providers, lawyers are subject to obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code as well as Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the Integrated Accessibility Standards.
Complimentary Archived Video Rent Relief for Small Firms: Help is Available 07 mai 2020 Whether you need advice on how to negotiate rent relief with your landlord, or have questions on how to access the government support programs available to small businesses for rent assistance, this program will give you the information you need.
Complimentary Archived Video Human Rights Challenges: Family Status Accommodation and Undue Hardship 06 avril 2020 With employees working from home, schools and daycares closed, and vulnerable family members needing extra support, Ontarians are struggling to manage the demands and businesses are grappling with how to support them.
Complimentary Archived Video Litigating Gender and Gender Identity in the Courts 04 décembre 2019 This program brings together counsel working on two headline-grabbing cases involving gender and gender identity in the courts.
Complimentary Archived Video Municipal Powers in Defining the Limits of Free Speech in our Public Spaces 08 mai 2019 What constitutes free speech continues to evolve in our emerging post-truth society.
Complimentary Archived Video Let's Be Frank: Critical Case Analysis of Frank v. Canada (AG) 2019 SCC 1 03 avril 2019 On January 11, 2019, the Supreme Court of Canada released its seminal decision in Frank v. Canada. The case confirms that Canadians living abroad can vote in federal elections regardless of their time away from the country.
Complimentary Archived Video Key Charter and Human Rights Developments in Education Law 04 avril 2018 Ensure you are up to speed on recent developments in human rights and Charter law in the education sector.