Complimentary Archived Video Fireside Chat with the Honourable Ranjan K. Agarwal 16 mai 2024 Join the OBA Class Actions Section for a special evening with the Honourable Ranjan K. Agarwal as he reflects on lessons learned in his career in class actions law and shares helpful advice from the bench, including effective litigation techniques for class actions matters and the critical role of mentorship and diversity in the profession.
Complimentary Archived Video Employment Law Class Actions 16 février 2024 The employment landscape is changing in a post-pandemic world, and workers and managers alike are navigating their new rights and responsibilities.
Guides/Documents “KEEPING UP WITH THE CASE LAW” MONTHLY SERIES 08 septembre 2023 The OBA Class Actions Law Section is pleased to offer a monthly series to help you keep up with class action decisions from the past month.
Complimentary Archived Video Mental Health and Class Actions Practice: A Fireside Chat with the Honourable George R. Strathy 30 mai 2023 Join the OBA Class Actions Section and Torys LLP for a special evening with the Honourable George R. Strathy to discuss the ways in which mental health challenges are affecting the legal community, including unique issues for class actions practitioners.
Guides/Documents Personal Security Handbook Minimizing Risks to Personal Safety for You, Your Family, Friends and Colleagues 16 mai 2023 The potential danger associated with the life of those in the legal profession is an unpleasant topic of conversation among family, friends and staff, but avoiding the subject does not lessen the potential for harm.
Complimentary Archived Video Current Issues in Securities Class Actions 10 mai 2023 Class actions brought under the Securities Act are constantly evolving. As the jurisprudence in securities class actions matures, new areas have become the battlegrounds.
Complimentary Archived Video Mass Tort Litigation in Canada 04 avril 2023 This model involves a series of individual claims arising out of the same or similar acts and is often seen where harm is allegedly caused by medical devices, prescription drugs, or defective consumer products.
Complimentary Archived Video Navigating Distribution Challenges in Class Actions Awards and Settlements 12 décembre 2022 Distribution issues can be vexing for class counsel. Following amendments to the Class Proceedings Act, the Court may now hold back a portion of class counsel’s fees and disbursements until it is satisfied with the distribution of the monetary award or the settlement funds.
Complimentary Archived Video Fundamentals of Class Actions Law: Pleadings and Pre-Certification Issues 27 juin 2022 In this third installment of our “Fundamentals of Class Actions Law” series, hear from both sides of the table about the logistical and practical considerations in pleading your case.
Complimentary Archived Video Remedies in Class Actions: Aggregate Damages 28 avril 2022 The case law on aggregate damages is complex and evolving. Ensure you are up to speed on the latest developments with this valuable program.