
About Articles The below articles are published by the Class Actions Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association. Members are encouraged to submit articles. About Articles

Editor: Karine Bedard 


Grozelle v Corby Spirit: The Ontario Superior Court Confirms Stricter Test for Preferability and Finds Class Action Not Preferable

  • March 25, 2024
  • Alexandra Lawrence & Sarah Whitmore

In the recent decision of Grozelle v. Corby Spirit and Wine Limited, 2023 ONSC 7212, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice has affirmed the impact of the CPA amendments to the preferability criteria as imposing a stricter, more rigorous test for certification, as was first stated by the Court in Banman v. Ontario, 2023 ONSC 6187. The decision in Corby is also the first time the amended preferable procedure criterion has not been met.

Class Actions, Student Forum

Claims Against Class Action Administrators: Court Reviews Leave Requirement

  • March 25, 2024
  • Adrian Pel & Ian C. Matthews (Borden Ladner Gervais LLP)

This case comment of Cameron-Gardos v. Crawford and Company (Canada) Inc., 2024 ONSC 700, considers the test for seeking leave to sue a class action administrator in the context of a class action settlement agreement.

Class Actions, Student Forum

Case Summary: Tucci v. Peoples Trust Co., 2023 BCSC 2004

  • March 25, 2024
  • Jonathan Schachter and Lisa Mancuso

This article reviews a decision declining to strike claims in a databreach class action, including claims based on risk of future harm and pure economic loss.

Class Actions, Student Forum

Case Summary: Del Giudice v. Thompson

  • March 25, 2024
  • Valérie Lord & Thuvaaraga Kuganathan

On January 31, 2024, the Ontario Court of Appeal upheld Justice Perell’s decision in Del Giudice v. Thompson, 2024 ONCA 70, maintaining the stringent approach established in recent years for “hacker” data breach cases.

Class Actions, Student Forum

The Evolution of the Misrepresentation Claim

  • January 03, 2024
  • Annie Legate-Wolf

This article summarizes recent decisions considering what is required to establish causation for misrepresentation claims made pursuant to the Competition Act.

Class Actions, Student Forum

Cronos and the Future of the Global Shareholder Class Action

  • January 03, 2024
  • Garth Myers

This article summarizes the decision in Badesha v. Cronos Group, Inc., 2023 ONSC 5678, which considered when a court will take jurisdiction over claims of certain class member purchasers of securities on a foreign exchange.

Business Law, Class Actions, Student Forum

Case Summary: Sunderland v. Toronto Regional Real Estate Board

  • January 03, 2024
  • Soudeh Hosseini

This article summarizes Sunderland v. Toronto Regional Real Estate Board, 2023 FC 1293, in which the Federal Court allowed the action to proceed against the brokers and associations on the narrower claim that they arranged to control certain aspects of the commission structure in potential contravention of s. 45 of the Competition Act.

Class Actions, Student Forum