Complimentary Archived Video Exploring the Tax Implications of Settlement Proceeds Characterization April 25, 2018 How settlement proceeds are characterized can have significant tax implications, based on the nature of the payment in question and the type of tax that might apply.
Complimentary Archived Video Top Appeals of 2017 from the Ontario Court of Appeal February 26, 2018 Another year has passed and the Court of Appeal has heard from many litigants. Join us to hear from The Honourable Justice Gloria Epstein and counsel who acted on some of the “top” civil litigation appeals decided by Ontario’s top court last year.
Complimentary Archived Video Fathers in Law: Equality in Action March 30, 2017 More men than ever play an active role in child care and they face struggles with balancing home and work. What can men do to support equality in the legal boardroom and the courtroom?
Complimentary Archived Video Year End Dinner with Mr. Justice Graeme Mew June 23, 2016 We are privileged to announce that the Honourable Mr. Justice Graeme Mew of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, who is well-known to civil litigators throughout Ontario, will provide his valuable insights into the importance of mentors and leaders in the practice of law.
Complimentary Archived Video Commercial Third-Party Litigation Funding: An innovative tool enhancing access to justice andenabling counsel to take meritorious cases to court May 06, 2016 View an insightful discussion to gain a better understanding of what commercial funding is, how it might be helpful to your clients and implications for defending funded cases.
Complimentary Archived Video Disputes Involving Land: Advanced Techniques for Real Estate Lawyers and Litigators April 13, 2016 View this program designed for both real estate lawyers and litigators. Real estate lawyers, gain best practices for dealing with a real estate file that is headed to litigation; litigators get practical tips for properly managing your litigation file that deals with real property.
Complimentary Archived Video e-Discovery Essentials October 13, 2015 New to the world of e-Discovery, or responsible for e-Discovery within your firm or organization and need a primer on what it all means? "e-Discovery Essentials" was developed especially for you.
Complimentary Archived Video Build Your Practice: Associate Level E-Discovery Project Management June 10, 2015 This session will focus on how to use those experiences to develop expertise, a niche practice spike and critical project management skills that can be applied to other areas of litigation.
Complimentary Archived Video Year End Dinner with Mr. Justice Geoffrey B. Morawetz: "Fixing Civil Justice: Part Three" June 10, 2015 To “close the loop”, so to speak, on this trilogy of civil justice reform speakers, Justice Morawetz will provide his further insights and comments on possible changes to the civil justice system.
Complimentary Archived Video The Nuts & Bolts of Witness Preparation May 27, 2015 Get proven strategies and advice on witness preparation for discovery, cross examination out of court, at a trial and before an administrative board or tribunal.