
About ArticlesThe below articles are published by the Business Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association. Members are encouraged to submit articles. About Articles

Editor: Crystal Park


Court Backs Move of Trust's Residency

  • July 26, 2017
  • Robert Santia and Pavle Levkovic

Court backs move of trust's residency in Herman Grad 2000 Family Trust v. Ontario (Minister of Revenue) 2016 ONSC 2402

Business Law

Case Comments

  • July 26, 2017
  • Jennifer Babe

Toronto-Dominion Bank v. Konga 2017 CanLII 35122, Trimble, Re 2017 SKQB 59, CIBC v. Marko 2017 ONSC 1113, Royal Bank v. Delta Logistics 2017 ONSC 368, RBC v. Modo 2017 ONSC 1167 and CIT Financial Ltd. v. ICBC 2017 BCSC 641

Business Law

Case Updates

  • March 20, 2017
  • Jennifer Babe

Recent cases of note (Royal Bank of Canada v. Trang, Hughes, Re, Stawro v. Mayfield Holdings Inc., Fast Labour Solutions (Edmonton) Ltd. v. Kramer's Technical Services Inc. and Sprung Instant Structures Ltd. v. 1064391 Alberta Ltd.)

Business Law Advisory Council Recommendations

  • November 22, 2016
  • Jennifer Babe

The Fall 2016 Report of the Council to the Minister has been published by the Minister and comments are due by December 12, 2016. A summary of the recommendations included in the report are set out herein.

Business Law

Cases of Note

  • August 31, 2016
  • Jennifer Babe

Recent cases of note: Canada v. Callidus Capital Corp., 2015; D’eon Fisheries Ltd. (Re), 2016; Scott (c.o.b. as Oldfield Orchard) v. Filipovic, 2015; Cieslok Media Ltd. v. Clarity Outdoor Media Inc., Outfront Media Canada LP, Intervenor, 2016; 1889072 Ontario Limited v. Globealive Wireless Management, 2016; Crate Marine, 2015.

Business Law