
Media Inquiries - Michael Speers, Media & Communications Specialist , Telephone: 416-869-1047 ext. 365,


OBA Commends the Ontario Legislature for Supporting Human Rights for the LGBTQ Community

  • June 04, 2015

The Ontario Bar Association commends the Ontario Legislature for giving all-party support to the passing of Bill 77, Affirming Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Act, 2015, which supports human rights for Ontarians, and in particular, for young people. The bill bans medical conversion practices that seek to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of youth under 18 and delists OHIP funding of such practices for everyone.

OBA Award Recipient Featured In Financial Post

  • June 01, 2015

The recipient of OBA's 2015 Karen Spector Memorial Award for Excellence in Privacy Law, David Young of David Young Law, has been included in the Financial Post's "legal moves and grooves" column for his award win.

OBA Members Nominated for Canadian Lawyer Top 25 Most Influential List

  • May 28, 2015

Several OBA members have been nominated for Canadian Lawyer's2015 Top 25 Most Influential list, including OBA President Orlando Da Silva. Da Silva’s nomination acknowledges his leadership in guiding the OBA’s work to advance a conversation about mental health in the legal profession through the OBA Opening Remarks campaign.

Lawyers Weigh in on Articling Positions

  • May 27, 2015

A motion put forward at the LSUC's annual general meeting that proposed to force some law firms to accept articling students has lawyers weighing in on the issue, including OBA Second Vice-President David Sterns. Read their comments in the Law Times.

OBA Award Winner Recognized by City of Mississauga

  • May 26, 2015

The OBA's 2015 Tom Marshall Award of Excellence for Public Sector Lawyers winner, Mississauga City Solicitor Mary Ellen Bench, has been recognized by the City of Mississauga after receiving her award at a council meeting earlier this month.

OBA Mindful Lawyer Speaker Provides Insight Into Lawyers Mental Health

  • May 15, 2015

A study co-authored by law professor Lawrence Krieger, who recently spoke at an OBA Mindful Lawyer CPD program as part of the OBA's Opening Remarks mental health campaign, continues to provide valuable insight into lawyers' mental health. Details of his latest study, which he spoke about with OBA members, have been featured in a recent New York Times article.