

Marni Dicker on Why the LPP Should Continue

  • September 26, 2016

In a Law Times editorial, Marni Dicker, executive vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary for Infrastructure Ontario, offers her views on why the Law Practice Program should continue.

LSUC Committee Suggests Ending LPP

  • September 19, 2016

A report from a Law Society of Upper Canada committee recommends ending the Law Practice Program following the completion of its three-year pilot, Law Times reports.

Law Society to Review LPP

  • September 12, 2016

The Law Society of Upper Canada will soon begin a review of the Law Practice Program to evaluate its viability.

LSUC Certified Specialist Program in Tax Law: We seek your support!

  • September 08, 2016

As the new OBA term commences, your Section’s Executive has been hard at work organizing learning, advocacy, and networking activities to support your practice. A continuing initiative has been liaising with the Law Society of Upper Canada to request the creation of a Tax Law Area of Specialization for the LSUC’s Certified Specialist Program.