The Community

Écrit par avocats pour avocats, par sa nature JUSTE. est une extension de la communauté de l’ABO.  Apprendrez comment vos pairs traitent des défis communs; lisez des luttes et des accomplissements de vos icônes légales favorites et entendez ce que d'autres avocats doivent dire de l'état de choses dans la profession légale.   Cette section est tout de l'apprentissage, le partage et l'échange, l'avocat à l'avocat.

Doug Downey

Attorney General Doug Downey – At Home at Queen’s Park

  • 26 juin 2019
  • OBA Staff

As the new Attorney General for Ontario, Doug Downey assumes a critical role in cabinet, acting as Chief Law Officer of the Crown responsible for the administration of justice in the province. To those who’ve worked alongside Downey, his rapid rise is not surprising. One need only look at his professional track record to know he is not only someone who consistently shows up; he shakes things up – always in the interest of public service.

Black man staring off contemplatively

Pourquoi voter lors de l’élection des membres du Conseil ?

  • 14 mars 2019
  • Emily Sinkins

Si vous cédez à la tentation de faire vos choix uniquement selon les noms que vous connaissez ou, pire, si vous ne votez pas du tout, vous vous rendrez un bien mauvais service, comme à votre profession et au public. Tandis que des questions comme l’accès à la justice, la crise des stages et la compétence et réputation des avocats se profilent, participer à l’élection n’est pas seulement votre occasion d’apporter des améliorations : c’est votre responsabilité.

Cartoon images of people with color swirls going from head to head

Where Goodwill Meets Great Will Interest

  • 29 novembre 2018

When trusts and estates lawyer Rebecca Fisch ventured outside her own neighbourhood to lead a Make a Will Month session in a traditionally underserved area, she discovered a community eager for legal resources and appreciative of the opportunity to better understand the importance of careful estate-planning.

Young lady standing confidently holding tablet

8 Essential Ingredients to Make the Most of First-Year Law School

  • 28 novembre 2018
  • Heather Donkers and Dana Lue

Heather Donkers and Dana Lue, chairs of the OBA’s Student Section and Young Lawyers Division - Central executives, respectively, offer advice from the other side about how to maximize the first-year experience while maintaining a healthy perspective.

RODA conference signboard

Seeing Diverse Lawyers Survive and Thrive

  • 26 novembre 2018
  • Sabrina A. Bandali

This year's RODA conference, held in partnership with the OBA, Accelerating a Culture Shift in the Legal Profession, takes a fresh approach to advancing diversity by focusing on hot topics that have been making headlines in the media and waves in the legal profession.