The Community

Écrit par avocats pour avocats, par sa nature JUSTE. est une extension de la communauté de l’ABO.  Apprendrez comment vos pairs traitent des défis communs; lisez des luttes et des accomplissements de vos icônes légales favorites et entendez ce que d'autres avocats doivent dire de l'état de choses dans la profession légale.   Cette section est tout de l'apprentissage, le partage et l'échange, l'avocat à l'avocat.

Marc Bolan

Glam Rock Legacy

  • 01 janvier 2014
  • William Genereux

The tragic legal legacy of T.Rex’s Marc Bolan.

Picture of stylized waves

Ebb and Flow

  • 01 août 2013
  • Trevor Branion and Chris Williams

The tides are changing in some of the hottest areas of practice. Is it time to make changes of your own?

Pascale Daigneault

Tournée vers l'avenir

  • 01 août 2013
  • R. Lee Akazaki

Présentation de Pascale Daigneault, présidente de l'ABO de 2013 à 2014

Man wearing Google glasses under a sign that reads GLASS

Google Glass

  • 01 août 2013
  • Fazila Nurani and Sujoy Chatterjee

A Challenge to Privacy as We Know It

collage of buzzwords like crowdsourcing, police, cooperate, media and vigilante

Wisdom of the Crowd

  • 01 août 2013
  • James Morton

Crowdsourcing is a fairly new buzzword in the media these days, with thousands of citizens forming online communities to get involved in prominent investigations such as the recent Boston bombings, the 2011 Vancouver hockey riots and the tragic cyberbullying cases of Amanda Todd and Rehtaeh Parsons. In the criminal justice system, however, the crowdsourcing concept is not as new as some may think.

Man and woman walking down hallway in front of Gowlings

Open Doors: A Peek into Ontario Law Firms

  • 01 avril 2013

Five firms, varying in size, location and specialty, open their doors to share with us their unique working culture, and how that culture is intertwined with the strength of their local community.