The Community

Written by lawyers for lawyers, by its very nature JUST. is an extension of the OBA community. Learn how your peers are dealing with common challenges; read about the struggles and achievements of your favourite legal icons and hear what other lawyers have to say about the state of affairs within the legal profession.  This section is all about learning, sharing and exchanging, lawyer to lawyer.

man in a suit standing on a rock in middle of lake, waves crashing around him

Tides of Change in Legal Employment

  • February 01, 2013
  • Gloria Song

Employment patterns have changed drastically in the legal industry and nowhere is it more apparent than on the resumes of new lawyers.

Eugene Meehan

Highlights from the Supreme Court of Canada

  • December 01, 2012
  • Eugene Meehan, Q.C.

ere’s a super-tight summary of all appeals and all leaves to appeal. For leaves I’ve specifically added in both the date the SCC granted leave and the date of the CA judgment.


To Wit: Up to My Sash in Annoyance

  • October 01, 2012
  • The Hon. Justice Joseph W. Quinn

Up to My Sash in Annoyance – Justice Quinn highlights “Dump Truck Advocacy” in the courtroom.