What Lawyers Do, According to Our Kids

  • April 27, 2017

Law - it's a noble profession. Have you ever stopped to wonder how our young children perceive it? Where do they think we go everyday, and what do we do when we get there?

We asked the children of several OBA members to share their thoughts on their parents' profession.


Truck with justice scales on side
“He drives a big truck and has an office fullllll of work.”

 - Cordelia Martin, age 2





cartoon of woman and man giving each other a high 5"He writes agreements with his friends."

-  Rhiannon, age 5
Daughter of Matthew Bernardo






avocado and banana as people“Papa tu n’es pas un avocat, tu es plutôt une banane.”

(The French word for lawyer, "avocat", also means avocado.)

​- Manélie, age 4
Daughter of Guillaume Lavictoire




Woman with a light bulb in hand, someone handing her a bag of money“Give people advice for money.”

- Joshua, age 6
Son of Michelle S. Henry







two bandaids on the world"They work on the computer and they deal with clients, files, discoveries and have meetings. They do work to help our world and people. Mommy does important work because she works for the Government, and Daddy helps people fix their arguments."

- Aidan, age 8
​Son of Lillian Camilleri and Chris Reil



woman with a whistle and a yellow card held up“They help stop people from fighting.”

- Emily, age 4
Daughter of Krista Groen






Man dancing with hands up high

Dad: "Do you know what a lawyer does?"

Greyson: "Ummmmm, they help people with their problems."

Dad: "Exactly! That's right! And do you know how a lawyer helps people with their problems?”

Greyson: "By dancing."

[where could she have got that idea?]

-   Greyson, age 3
Daughter of Quinn and Erin Ross



woman surrounded by question marks“I don’t know.”

– Emily, age 4
Daughter of Nancy M. Shapiro







person buried in papers with a sign held up reading HELP!“Give people advice on their business when they get in trouble.”    

-  Sophia, age 9
Daughter of Michelle S. Henry





Woman with strange glasses standing alone“Nothing.”

-  Milena, age 3
Daughter of Elizabeth Mourao and Steven Canto







Little girl at a desk with a sign reading corporate lawyer“You help parents that are divorcing, but clearly you don’t make a lot of money because you’re always telling me you don’t have money to buy me an American Girl doll. Maybe if you were a corporate lawyer you could buy me an American Girl.”

- Raquel, age 8
Daughter of Elizabeth Mourao (and Steven Canto)



lizard man at desk answering phone

Q:  Does a lawyer read lots of books?

A:  No, just one book. A dinosaur book.

Q:  Does he write lots of words?

A:  Yes. Lion words.

Q:  Do you want to be a lawyer when you grow up?

A:  No, thank you.

- William, age 2
Son of Matthew Bernardo


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