Submissions 2019


Provincial Government

Comments on the Proposed Crown Liability and Proceedings Act, 2019 (Bill 100, Schedule 17)

  • May 01, 2019

This submission is in response to the Minister of Finance’s April Budget Bill entitled, Protecting What Matters Most (Budget Measures), 2019. The OBA provided feedback on the proposed repeal of the Proceedings Against the Crown Act, and replacing it with the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act, 2019, which addresses Crown liability and limits on it, and sets out the procedural rules that apply in proceedings against the Crown (Schedule 17 of the Budget Bill).

Aboriginal Law, Administrative Law, Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law and 2 more..., Class Actions, Environmental Law

Provincial Government

Comments on a Potential Amendment to the Juries Act

  • April 09, 2019

This submission is in response to the Ministry of the Attorney General's consultaiton on a proposed amendment to the Juries Act regarding accessibility of juror information. The OBA supports maintaining the privacy standards currently in place but enhancing the security around such privacy.

Civil Litigation, Criminal Justice, Insurance Law and 1 more..., Privacy Law

Provincial Government

Comments on the Proposed Pay Transparency Reporting Requirements

  • April 09, 2019

This submission is in response to the Ministry of Labour’s consultation on the proposed pay transparency reporting requirements. The OBA provides feedback on capturing compensation differences, calculating gender gaps and the establishment of a clear reporting period.

Canadian Corporate Counsel Association - Ontario Chapter, Women Lawyers Forum, Labour and Employment Law and 1 more..., Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law

Provincial Government

Tribunals Ontario Adjudicator Appointments

  • March 27, 2019

The OBA writes to the Executive Chair of Tribunals Ontario seeking a meeting and further information on issues and challenges faced by Tribunals Ontario, and the appointment of adjudicators in particular.

Administrative Law, Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law, Labour and Employment Law

Provincial Government

Construction Act: Proposed Amendments to Regulations

  • March 18, 2019

The OBA appreciates the opportunity to comment on proposed amendments to regulations made under the Construction Act, in particular regulations relating to Procedures, Forms, Adjudications and the General regulation.

Construction and Infrastructure Law


Service of Documents by Email

  • March 18, 2019

The OBA proposes changes to the Rules of Civil Procedure that would permit service by e-mail as a valid method of service for most documents, without a party’s consent, or a court order.

Civil Litigation, Class Actions, Insurance Law

Provincial Government

Expanding the Availability of Electronic Beneficiary Designations

  • February 04, 2019

The OBA welcomes the move to expressly permit the use of electronic beneficiary designations for plans governed by the Pension Benefits Act, and encourages it to expressly expand its availability to plans covered by the Succession Law Reform Act.

Elder Law, Trusts and Estates Law