OBA Award of Excellence in Constitutional Civil Liberties Human Rights Law

2024 Award Recipient

C Bredt

Christopher Bredt, LSM
ADR Chambers

The OBA’s Constitutional Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law Section is pleased to announce Christopher Bredt as the recipient of the 2024 OBA Award of Excellence in Constitutional Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law.

Christopher Bredt will be honoured at a reception follows by the 23rd Annual Charter Conference on October 3, 2024 at OBA Conference Centre in Toronto. Stay tuned for the event updates.


About the Award

This award is established to recognize, honour, and celebrate the outstanding achievement of lawyers practising in the province of Ontario in the Constitutional Civil Liberties and Human Rights law area.


This award is open to all OBA members who are practising lawyers of Constitutional or Human Rights Law, excluding current members of the Executive Committee of the Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law Section or members of the OBA Board of Directors.


This Award was created to recognize exceptional contributions and achievements by a lawyer practising in the Constitutional Civil Liberties Human Rights Law, including:

  • excellence in the practice of human rights law or constitutional law
  • mentorship of other lawyers and law students in the area of human rights and constitutional law
  • contributions to the development of human rights and constitutional law, including through academic scholarship, teaching and continuing legal education at the OBA, Canadian Bar Association, Law Society of Ontario or other organizations on human rights and equality law

Criteria for Selection

A recipient must be a Member of the OBA in good standing, and cannot be a member of the OBA Constitutional Civil Liberties Human Rights Law Executive, the Award Selection Committee or the OBA Board of Directors. One Award shall be given each year.

Award Selection Committee

The committee consists of the Section Chair and Vice Chair, and one other member of the section executive committee, who is appointed by the Section Chair.

Nomination Process

The nomination should identify the person or persons making the nomination. It should be accompanied by a written explanation of the reasons for the nomination, including how the nominee meets the Award Criteria. A CV/Resume of the nominee and maximum two other supporting documents can be attached in a nomination.

No consent of the person being nominated is required to make a nomination.

Notice will be given by OBA email to all members of the OBA Constitutional Civil Liberties & Human Rights Law Section, and can be supplemented with such further notices on the OBA website as the Award Selection Committee deems appropriate. 

Nominations and supporting material must be filed by 5:00 pm on Friday, March 8, 2024

Selection Process

The Award Selection Committee will select the recipient of the Award. 

The selected recipient will be presented to the OBA Constitutional, Civil Liberties & Human Rights Law Executive Committee for approval.

The Selection Committee shall consider OBA policies, rules and guidelines on Diversity and Inclusion when selecting the winner of the Award.


The Award will be presented at a program or other function of the Section as determined by the Executive.

Contact for Additional Information

Janet Green
Ontario Bar Association
Constitutional Civil Liberties Human Rights Law
Section Executive Liaison
300 – 20 Toronto St.
Toronto, ON M5C 2B8

Phone: (416) 869-1047 or 1-800-668-8900 ext 312
Fax: (416) 869-1390
Email: jgreen@oba.org


2020 - Peter Engelmann
2019 - Lisa Brownstone