OBA Distinguished Service Award

About the Award

OBA’s Award for Distinguished Service recognizes exceptional career contributions and/or career achievements by Members of the Ontario Bar Association:

  • To the legal profession in Ontario;
  • Or to jurisprudence in Ontario or Canada;
  • Or to the law or development of the law in Ontario;
  • Or a significant law-related benefit to the residents of Ontario.


Any Member in good standing (except a Member of the current Board and the Awards Committee) of the Ontario Bar Association is eligible for the award.


Awards will be present at the OBA Award Gala on June 19, 2025.

Nomination Procedure

A nomination requires the signatures of three OBA Members in good standing. To assist the Committee in its selection, please include the nominee’s resume and supporting letters if possible. The Committee is also interested in contributions to the community made by the nominee.

Deadline for Applications

Nomination form

Deadline for the return of Nomination Form and supporting materials is Friday, March 14, 2025.

The Awards Committee
Atten: Valerie Dallas
Executive Office Lead
Ontario Bar Association
300-20 Toronto St.
Toronto, ON M5C 2B8
Phone: (800) 668-8900 or (416) 869-1047 x 322
Email: vdallas@oba.org
Fax: (416) 869 - 3197

Selection Process

The Awards Committee, a standing committee of Council, chooses the winner(s) of the Award for Distinguished Service. The number of awards to be presented annually will not exceed three.

Additional Information

Valerie Dallas
Executive Office Lead
(800) 668-8900 or (416) 869-1047 Ext. 322







Lisa Borsook and Sidney Troister

The Honourable Fred Myers

Ena Chadha

Michel W. Drapeau, Drapeau Law Office
Ian M. Hull, Hull & Hull LLP
Audrey Ramsay, Blouin, Dunn LLP
Reuben M. Rosenblatt, Minden Gross LLP


Eva E. Marszewski, Peacebuilders International (Canada)
Albert O. Oosterhoff, WEL Partners Professional Corporation
Martin M. Sclisizzi, Bay Street Chambers


The Honourable Michael H. Tulloch, Court of Appeal for Ontario
Raj Anand, WeirFoulds LLP


Christopher Arthur W. Bentley, Ryerson University Law Practice Program
Craig R. Carter, Fasken Martineau
Orlando Da Silva, Ministry of Attorney General

2016 Angela J. Swan, Aird & Berlis LLP
Jerry B. Udell, McTague Law Firm LLP
Frank E. Walwyn, WeirFoulds LLP
2015 Richard C. Halpern
Mark M. Orkin, Q.C.
The Hon. Justice Paul R. Sweeny
2014 Ian D. Kirby
Paul D. Paton
Maryellen Symons
2013 Dennis W. Brown, Q.C.
Martha Mackinnon
James C. Morton
2012 Patricia DeGuire
J. Alex Langford, Q.C.
André Marin
Jamie K. Trimble
2011 John M. Hodgson, Q.C.
The Honourable Heather A. McGee
Eugene Meehan, Q.C.
2009/2010 Steven F. Rosenhek
Dianne Saxe, Ph.D.
Jonathan Speigel
2008 Jennifer E. Babe
William J. Simpson, Q.C.
Judith A Wahl
2007 The Honourable Dennis R. O'Connor
Susan T. McGrath

Wayne D. Gray
The Honourable Brian W. Lennox
Rino A. Stradiotto, Q.C.


Frank Bennett
The Honourable Mr. Justice Robert J. Sharpe

2004 Timothy P. Bates
James F. O'Brien
2003 Judith L. Huddart
The Honourable Mr. Justice Frank Iacobucci
Charles Anthony Keith, Q.C.
James F. Leal
2002 Stephen R. Cameron
The Honourable Mr. Justice Patrick J. LeSage
Joan M. MacDonald
2001 Larry A. Banack
John F. Evans, Q.C.
Arthur B. James
The Honourable Mr. Justice John W. Morden
2000 Harvey M. Haber, Q.C.
Etienne Saint-Aubin
1999 Mary Louise Dickson, Q.C.
Robert G. Murray, Q.C.
Donald E. Short


Garth Manning, Q.C.
The Honourable R. Roy McMurtry
Professor John Whiteside, Q.C.


E. Peter Newcombe, Q.C.
Paul M. Perell George N. Speal, Q.C.


David I. Bristow, Q.C.


Mary Eberts
Erica L. James
Ian G. Scott, O.C., Q.C.

1994 Emile R. Kruzick
Lynda C.E. Tanaka
G. Roderick Cameron
Peter B. Stuart, Q.C.
1993 Donald R. Cameron, Q.C.
John R. Campbell, Q.C.
Linda Silver-Dranoff
1992 Madam Justice Rosalie Abella
Donald B. Good, Q.C.
Nancy M. Mossip
Judge Charles Scullion
1991 Brian D. Bucknall
The Honourable John R.R. Jennings
Frances P. Kiteley
Clare Lewis, Q.C.
1990 Lloyd Brennan, Q.C.
Sandra Chapnik
William J. Harnett
Miriam A. Kelly, Q.C.
Frank K. Roberts, Q.C.
1989 Willson McTavish, Q.C.
The Honourable Victor Paisley
Janet Wilson
1988 Carole Curtis
Ian W. Outerbridge, Q.C.
Albert A. Strauss, Q.C.