For many lawyers, time is everything. But time is hard to manage, particularly when you are busy dealing with a slew of phone calls, emails, invoices and document preparation, which, unfortunately, are not typically billable. In this article, I’ll be taking a look at 5 unique ways to manage your growth and expand your law firm while being cost effective and without, in fact, expanding the number of people working in your law firm.
In our post-pandemic legal world, legal technology has received all the praise for allowing the legal profession to continue to defend their client’s rights, ensure that businesses keep moving and maintain compliance with the bevy of recent changes to the law. On the other hand, the daily operations of most law firms have dramatically changed – from large firms implementing work from home plans to the ubiquitous rise of Zoom conferences and Microsoft Teams – causing law firms everywhere to participate in a wild scramble for the latest and great work-from-home technologies.
While we don’t know how long the effects of the pandemic may last on the legal world, it is important to ask a key question during this time - What does law firm growth and expansion look like in a post-pandemic legal world? Well, the answer may just lie in the ability for law firms to take advantage of the technologies available today to work more efficiently. How can you best take advantage of today’s technologies to better manage your law firm’s growth?