Website Features

Welcome to the new OBA.ORG!

When we set out on this journey, we wanted to provide real, tangible value to our members. We’ve boosted opportunity for engagement with the OBA through social media integration, member directories, practice section landing pages, private forums, and the volunteer portal. Check out all the new features available to you through the new OBA.ORG. 101


How to Opt-In and Updating your CBA Profile

OBA President Pascale Daigneault will guide you through the process of how to market yourself with our new Find-a-Lawer application.

Practice Section Landing Pages

Section pages are customized with information as it relates to individual practice areas. Resources, submissions, programs, news, and articles are updated as information becomes available. Each section has its own forum and we encourage members to share and discuss using this tool.

Section Articles

Section Articles

Formally known as newsletters, we’ve developed a new format in which articles will be displayed and sent to section members. OBA editors will now have the opportunity to post articles on a more regular basis. We’ve increased functionality with features such as comment boards, social media integration, mobile device compatibility and searchable archives. Section members will be notified when a new article has become available.

Find-a-Lawyer App

The Find-a-Lawyer app allows visitors to the site to search for an OBA member based on their name, firm, location, area of practice and/or language spoken. A Google map with a listing of contact details allows users to get a sense of how close they are to the lawyers in their search. OBA members can opt-in to this complimentary service.

Volunteer Portal

The Volunteer Portal is an exclusive service to the hundreds of OBA members who sit on committees, section executives, task forces, working groups and our governing bodies.  It provides volunteers with a central location for all committee information such as meeting dates, times, documents and other important details.  In addition, private forums allow you to have confidential discussions on matters that are important to your section.

Social Media

Social Media

Our new site is a social hub; much of the content is driven by social media sources such as Flickr photo galleries, Vimeo videos, LinkedIn Groups, facebook and Twitter. We recognize that members are engaging with one another in these areas and we want to ensure our website is a resource for sharing and growing these discussions.

Responsive Design

Responsive Design

Our new site has been designed to work and display on just about any screen size, platform and orientation. So go ahead, visit on your desktop, laptop, phone, or tablet and experience the functionality, layout and ease of navigation.