
OBA Award for Excellence in Civil Litigation 2017

OBA Award for Excellence in Civil Litigation 2017

  • 28 novembre 2017

The Award of Excellence in Civil Litigation brings together the civil bar to celebrate a colleague who has demonstrated the highest qualities of the profession. On Wednesday, November 22, 2017 the Ontario Bar Association honoured Mr. Peter Griffin at the Ritz-Carlton, Toronto.

2017 OBA Award of Excellence in International Law

2017 OBA Award of Excellence in International Law

  • 29 juin 2017

On June 27th, 2017, the OBA International Law Section proudly presented the OBA Award of Excellence in International Law to Matthew Kronby, Bennett Jones LLP. The event was held at Twenty Toronto Street Conferences and Events.

OBA SOGIC 2017 Pride Toronto Parade

OBA SOGIC 2017 Pride Toronto Parade

  • 28 juin 2017

The OBA Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Conference (SOGIC) welcomed members of the OBA and the legal community to march in the 37th annual Pride Toronto parade on Sunday, June 25, 2017. Below are some of the photos from the day’s event!

2017 OBA Award of Excellence in Real Estate

2017 OBA Award of Excellence in Real Estate

  • 28 juin 2017

Jerry B. Udell was joined by friends, colleagues and family members on Tuesday, June 20, 2017, where he was awarded the OBA Award of Excellence in Real Estate. Attendees enjoyed an exciting evening of networking, food and drink at Twenty Toronto Street Conferences and Events.

OBA Award of Excellence in Municipal Law

OBA Award of Excellence in Municipal Law

  • 22 juin 2017

The Ontario Bar Association’s Municipal Law Section, presented the Award of Excellence in Municipal Law, to Patrick J. Devine on June 20th, 2017. Friends, family and colleagues gathered at the Royal Canadian Military Institute in Toronto to celebrate Mr. Devine’s significant contributions to the profession.

2017 OBA Award of Excellence in Insurance Law

2017 OBA Award of Excellence in Insurance Law

  • 22 juin 2017

On June 21, 2017 the OBA Award of Excellence in Insurance Law was proudly presented to Donald H. Rogers of Rogers Partners LPP at the Toronto Eaton Centre Marriott celebrating Donald’s contributions to the profession.